This script is based on my previous Ad Testing Script but has some additional features. Namely, instead of pausing stats based purely on a metric, this script calculates the statistical significance of the test before making a decision. The calculations are based on a blog post and spreadsheet from VisualWebsiteOptimizer that I modified to work with AdWords Ads.
I also incorporated the ability to link directly to the Campaign or AdGroup from the notification email which I posted about before. All you need to do is fill in the __c and __u parameters to enable that feature.
And finally, since this is probably the largest and most complicated script I've shared here, I used the logic from my post about Google Analytics reporting to fire a beacon whenever the script is ran. You are more than welcome to disable it (remove beacon(); from the second to the last line of the main function), but I would love to get an idea of just how many people are using this script.
Since this script is pretty big, and the formatting here can be a little iffy sometimes, you can also download it from GitHub.
Thanks as always for reading and have a fun and safe holiday.
/********************************************* * Automated Creative Testing With Statistical Significance * Version 2.1 * Changelog v2.1 * - Fixed INVALID_PREDICATE_ENUM_VALUE * Changelog v2.0 * - Fixed bug in setting the correct date * - Script now uses a minimum visitors threshold * per Ad instead of AdGroup * - Added the ability to add the start date as a label to AdGroups * - Added ability to check mobile and desktop ads separately * Changelog v1.1.1 - Fixed bug with getDisplayUrl * Changelog v1.1 * - Added ability to only run on some campaigns * - Fixed bug in info logging * Russ Savage * **********************************************/ var EXTRA_LOGS = true; var TO = ['']; var CONFIDENCE_LEVEL = 95; // 90%, 95%, or 99% are most common //If you only want to run on some campaigns, apply a label to them //and put the name of the label here. Leave blank to run on all campaigns. var CAMPAIGN_LABEL = ''; //These two metrics are the components that make up the metric you //want to compare. For example, this measures CTR = Clicks/Impressions //Other examples might be: // Cost Per Conv = Cost/Conversions // Conversion Rate = Conversions/Clicks // Cost Per Click = Cost/Clicks var VISITORS_METRIC = 'Impressions'; var CONVERSIONS_METRIC = 'Clicks'; //This is the number of impressions the Ad needs to have in order //to start measuring the results of a test. var VISITORS_THRESHOLD = 100; //Setting this to true to enable the script to check mobile ads //against other mobile ads only. Enabling this will start new tests //in all your AdGroups so only enable this after you have completed //a testing cycle. var ENABLE_MOBILE_AD_TESTING = false; //Set this on the first run which should be the approximate last time //you started a new creative test. After the first run, this setting //will be ignored. var OVERRIDE_LAST_TOUCHED_DATE = 'Jan 1, 2014'; var LOSER_LABEL = 'Loser '+CONFIDENCE_LEVEL+'% Confidence'; var CHAMPION_LABEL = 'Current Champion'; // Set this to true and the script will apply a label to // each AdGroup to let you know the date the test started // This helps you validate the results of the script. var APPLY_TEST_START_DATE_LABELS = true; //These come from the url when you are logged into AdWords //Set these if you want your emails to link directly to the AdGroup var __c = ''; var __u = ''; function main() { createLabelIfNeeded(LOSER_LABEL,"#FF00FF"); //Set the colors of the labels here createLabelIfNeeded(CHAMPION_LABEL,"#0000FF"); //Set the colors of the labels here //Let's find all the AdGroups that have new tests starting var currentAdMap = getCurrentAdsSnapshot(); var previousAdMap = getPreviousAdsSnapshot(); if(previousAdMap) { currentAdMap = updateCurrentAdMap(currentAdMap,previousAdMap); } storeAdsSnapshot(currentAdMap); previousAdMap = null; //Now run through the AdGroups to find tests var agSelector = AdWordsApp.adGroups() .withCondition('CampaignStatus = ENABLED') .withCondition('AdGroupStatus = ENABLED') .withCondition('Status = ENABLED'); if(CAMPAIGN_LABEL !== '') { var campNames = getCampaignNames(); agSelector = agSelector.withCondition("CampaignName IN ['"+campNames.join("','")+"']"); } var agIter = agSelector.get(); var todayDate = getDateString(new Date(),'yyyyMMdd'); var touchedAdGroups = []; var finishedEarly = false; while(agIter.hasNext()) { var ag =; var numLoops = (ENABLE_MOBILE_AD_TESTING) ? 2 : 1; for(var loopNum = 0; loopNum < numLoops; loopNum++) { var isMobile = (loopNum == 1); var rowKey; if(isMobile) { info('Checking Mobile Ads in AdGroup: "'+ag.getName()+'"'); rowKey = [ag.getCampaign().getId(),ag.getId(),'Mobile'].join('-'); } else { info('Checking Ads in AdGroup: "'+ag.getName()+'"'); rowKey = [ag.getCampaign().getId(),ag.getId()].join('-'); } if(!currentAdMap[rowKey]) { //This shouldn't happen warn('Could not find AdGroup: '+ag.getName()+' in current ad map.'); continue; } if(APPLY_TEST_START_DATE_LABELS) { var dateLabel; if(isMobile) { dateLabel = 'Mobile Tests Started: '+getDateString(currentAdMap[rowKey].lastTouched,'yyyy-MM-dd'); } else { dateLabel = 'Tests Started: '+getDateString(currentAdMap[rowKey].lastTouched,'yyyy-MM-dd'); } createLabelIfNeeded(dateLabel,"#8A2BE2"); //remove old start date var labelIter = ag.labels().withCondition("Name STARTS_WITH '"+dateLabel.split(':')[0]+"'") .withCondition("Name != '"+dateLabel+"'").get(); while(labelIter.hasNext()) { var label =; ag.removeLabel(label.getName()); if(!label.adGroups().get().hasNext()) { //if there are no more entities with that label, delete it. label.remove(); } } applyLabel(ag,dateLabel); } //Here is the date range for the test metrics var lastTouchedDate = getDateString(currentAdMap[rowKey].lastTouched,'yyyyMMdd'); info('Last Touched Date: '+lastTouchedDate+' Todays Date: '+ todayDate); if(lastTouchedDate === todayDate) { //Special case where the AdGroup was updated today which means a new test has started. //Remove the old labels, but keep the champion as the control for the next test info('New test is starting in AdGroup: '+ag.getName()); removeLoserLabelsFromAds(ag,isMobile); continue; } //Is there a previous winner? if so we should use it as the control. var controlAd = checkForPreviousWinner(ag,isMobile); //Here we order by the Visitors metric and use that as a control if we don't have one var adSelector ='Status = ENABLED').withCondition('AdType = TEXT_AD'); if(!AdWordsApp.getExecutionInfo().isPreview()) { adSelector = adSelector.withCondition("LabelNames CONTAINS_NONE ['"+[LOSER_LABEL,CHAMPION_LABEL].join("','")+"']"); } var adIter = adSelector.forDateRange(lastTouchedDate, todayDate) .orderBy(VISITORS_METRIC+" DESC") .get(); if( (controlAd == null && adIter.totalNumEntities() < 2) || (controlAd != null && adIter.totalNumEntities() < 1) ) { info('AdGroup did not have enough eligible Ads. Had: '+adIter.totalNumEntities()+', Needed at least 2'); continue; } if(!controlAd) { info('No control set for AdGroup. Setting one.'); while(adIter.hasNext()) { var ad =; if(shouldSkip(isMobile,ad)) { continue; } controlAd = ad; break; } if(!controlAd) { continue; } applyLabel(controlAd,CHAMPION_LABEL); } while(adIter.hasNext()) { var testAd =; if(shouldSkip(isMobile,testAd)) { continue; } //The Test object does all the heavy lifting for us. var test = new Test(controlAd,testAd, CONFIDENCE_LEVEL, lastTouchedDate,todayDate, VISITORS_METRIC,CONVERSIONS_METRIC); info('Control - Visitors: '+test.getControlVisitors()+' Conversions: '+test.getControlConversions()); info('Test - Visitors: '+test.getTestVisitors()+' Conversions: '+test.getTestConversions()); info('P-Value: '+test.getPValue()); if(test.getControlVisitors() < VISITORS_THRESHOLD || test.getTestVisitors() < VISITORS_THRESHOLD) { info('Not enough visitors in the control or test ad. Skipping.'); continue; } //Check for significance if(test.isSignificant()) { var loser = test.getLoser(); removeLabel(loser,CHAMPION_LABEL); //Champion has been dethroned applyLabel(loser,LOSER_LABEL); //The winner is the new control. Could be the same as the old one. controlAd = test.getWinner(); applyLabel(controlAd,CHAMPION_LABEL); //We store some metrics for a nice email later if(!ag['touchCount']) { ag['touchCount'] = 0; touchedAdGroups.push(ag); } ag['touchCount']++; } } //Let's bail if we run out of time so we can send the emails. if((!AdWordsApp.getExecutionInfo().isPreview() && AdWordsApp.getExecutionInfo().getRemainingTime() < 60) || ( AdWordsApp.getExecutionInfo().isPreview() && AdWordsApp.getExecutionInfo().getRemainingTime() < 10) ) { finishedEarly = true; break; } } } if(touchedAdGroups.length > 0) { sendMailForTouchedAdGroups(touchedAdGroups,finishedEarly); } beacon(); } // A helper function to return the list of campaign ids with a label for filtering function getCampaignNames() { var campNames = []; var labelIter = AdWordsApp.labels().withCondition("Name = '"+CAMPAIGN_LABEL+"'").get(); if(labelIter.hasNext()) { var label =; var campIter = label.campaigns().get(); while(campIter.hasNext()) { campNames.push(; } } return campNames; } function applyLabel(entity,label) { if(!AdWordsApp.getExecutionInfo().isPreview()) { entity.applyLabel(label); } else { var adText = (entity.getEntityType() === 'Ad') ? [entity.getHeadline(),entity.getDescription1(), entity.getDescription2(),entity.getDisplayUrl()].join(' ') : entity.getName(); Logger.log('PREVIEW: Would have applied label: '+label+' to Entity: '+ adText); } } function removeLabel(ad,label) { if(!AdWordsApp.getExecutionInfo().isPreview()) { ad.removeLabel(label); } else { var adText = [ad.getHeadline(),ad.getDescription1(),ad.getDescription2(),ad.getDisplayUrl()].join(' '); Logger.log('PREVIEW: Would have removed label: '+label+' from Ad: '+ adText); } } // This function checks if the AdGroup has an Ad with a Champion Label // If so, the new test should use that as the control. function checkForPreviousWinner(ag,isMobile) { var adSelector ='Status = ENABLED') .withCondition('AdType = TEXT_AD'); if(!AdWordsApp.getExecutionInfo().isPreview()) { adSelector = adSelector.withCondition("LabelNames CONTAINS_ANY ['"+CHAMPION_LABEL+"']"); } var adIter = adSelector.get(); while(adIter.hasNext()) { var ad =; if(shouldSkip(isMobile,ad)) { continue; } info('Found a previous winner. Using it as the control.'); return ad; } return null; } function shouldSkip(isMobile,ad) { if(isMobile) { if(!ad.isMobilePreferred()) { return true; } } else { if(ad.isMobilePreferred()) { return true; } } return false; } // This function sends the email to the people in the TO array. // If the script finishes early, it adds a notice to the email. function sendMailForTouchedAdGroups(ags,finishedEarly) { var htmlBody = '<html><head></head><body>'; if(finishedEarly) { htmlBody += 'The script was not able to check all AdGroups. ' + 'It will check additional AdGroups on the next run.<br / >' ; } htmlBody += 'The following AdGroups have one or more creative tests that have finished.' ; htmlBody += buildHtmlTable(ags); htmlBody += '<p><small>Generated by <a href=""></a></small></p>' ; htmlBody += '</body></html>'; var options = { htmlBody : htmlBody, }; var subject = ags.length + ' Creative Test(s) Completed - ' + Utilities.formatDate(new Date(), AdWordsApp.currentAccount().getTimeZone(), 'yyyy-MM-dd'); for(var i in TO) { MailApp.sendEmail(TO[i], subject, ags.length+' AdGroup(s) have creative tests that have finished.', options); } } // This function uses my HTMLTable object to build the styled html table for the email. function buildHtmlTable(ags) { var table = new HTMLTable(); //CSS from: //Inlined using: table.setTableStyle(['font-family: "Lucida Sans Unicode","Lucida Grande",Sans-Serif;', 'font-size: 12px;', 'background: #fff;', 'margin: 45px;', 'width: 480px;', 'border-collapse: collapse;', 'text-align: left'].join('')); table.setHeaderStyle(['font-size: 14px;', 'font-weight: normal;', 'color: #039;', 'padding: 10px 8px;', 'border-bottom: 2px solid #6678b1'].join('')); table.setCellStyle(['border-bottom: 1px solid #ccc;', 'padding: 4px 6px'].join('')); table.addHeaderColumn('#'); table.addHeaderColumn('Campaign Name'); table.addHeaderColumn('AdGroup Name'); table.addHeaderColumn('Tests Completed'); for(var i in ags) { table.newRow(); table.addCell(table.getRowCount()); var campName = ags[i].getCampaign().getName(); var name = ags[i].getName(); var touchCount = ags[i]['touchCount']; var campLink, agLink; if(__c !== '' && __u !== '') { // You should really set these. campLink = getUrl(ags[i].getCampaign(),'Ad groups'); agLink = getUrl(ags[i],'Ads'); table.addCell(a(campLink,campName)); table.addCell(a(agLink,name)); } else { table.addCell(campName); table.addCell(name); } table.addCell(touchCount,'text-align: right'); } return table.toString(); } // Just a helper to build the html for a link. function a(link,val) { return '<a href="'+link+'">'+val+'</a>'; } // This function finds all the previous losers and removes their label. // It is used when the script detects a change in the AdGroup and needs to // start a new test. function removeLoserLabelsFromAds(ag,isMobile) { var adSelector ='Status = ENABLED'); if(!AdWordsApp.getExecutionInfo().isPreview()) { adSelector = adSelector.withCondition("LabelNames CONTAINS_ANY ['"+LOSER_LABEL+"']"); } var adIter = adSelector.get(); while(adIter.hasNext()) { var ad =; if(shouldSkip(isMobile,ad)) { continue; } removeLabel(ad,LOSER_LABEL); } } // A helper function to create a new label if it doesn't exist in the account. function createLabelIfNeeded(name,color) { if(!AdWordsApp.labels().withCondition("Name = '"+name+"'").get().hasNext()) { info('Creating label: "'+name+'"'); AdWordsApp.createLabel(name,"",color); } else { info('Label: "'+name+'" already exists.'); } } // This function compares the previous and current Ad maps and // updates the current map with the date that the AdGroup was last touched. // If OVERRIDE_LAST_TOUCHED_DATE is set and there is no previous data for the // AdGroup, it uses that as the last touched date. function updateCurrentAdMap(current,previous) { info('Updating the current Ads map using historical snapshot.'); for(var rowKey in current) { var currentAds = current[rowKey].adIds; var previousAds = (previous[rowKey]) ? previous[rowKey].adIds : []; if(currentAds.join('-') === previousAds.join('-')) { current[rowKey].lastTouched = previous[rowKey].lastTouched; } if(previousAds.length === 0 && OVERRIDE_LAST_TOUCHED_DATE !== '') { current[rowKey].lastTouched = new Date(OVERRIDE_LAST_TOUCHED_DATE); } //if we make it here without going into the above if statements //then the adgroup has changed and we should keep the new date } info('Finished updating the current Ad map.'); return current; } // This stores the Ad map snapshot to a file so it can be used for the next run. // The data is stored as a JSON string for easy reading later. function storeAdsSnapshot(data) { info('Storing the Ads snapshot to Google Drive.'); var fileName = getSnapshotFilename(); var file = DriveApp.getFilesByName(fileName).next(); file.setContent(Utilities.jsonStringify(data)); info('Finished.'); } // This reads the JSON formatted previous snapshot from a file on GDrive // If the file doesn't exist, it creates a new one and returns an empty map. function getPreviousAdsSnapshot() { info('Loading the previous Ads snapshot from Google Drive.'); var fileName = getSnapshotFilename(); var fileIter = DriveApp.getFilesByName(fileName); if(fileIter.hasNext()) { return Utilities.jsonParse(; } else { DriveApp.createFile(fileName, ''); return {}; } } // A helper function to build the filename for the snapshot. function getSnapshotFilename() { var accountId = AdWordsApp.currentAccount().getCustomerId(); return (accountId + ' Ad Testing Script Snapshot.json'); } // This function pulls the Ad Performance Report which is the fastest // way to build a snapshot of the current ads in the account. // This only pulls in active text ads. function getCurrentAdsSnapshot() { info('Running Ad Performance Report to get current Ads snapshot.'); var OPTIONS = { includeZeroImpressions : true }; var cols = ['CampaignId','AdGroupId','Id','DevicePreference','Impressions']; var report = 'AD_PERFORMANCE_REPORT'; var query = ['select',cols.join(','),'from',report, 'where AdType = TEXT_AD', 'and AdNetworkType1 = SEARCH', 'and CampaignStatus = ENABLED', 'and AdGroupStatus = ENABLED', 'and Status = ENABLED', 'during','TODAY'].join(' '); var results = {}; // { campId-agId : row, ... } var reportIter =, OPTIONS).rows(); while(reportIter.hasNext()) { var row =; var rowKey = [row.CampaignId,row.AdGroupId].join('-'); if(ENABLE_MOBILE_AD_TESTING && row.DevicePreference == 30001) { rowKey += '-Mobile'; } if(!results[rowKey]) { results[rowKey] = { adIds : [], lastTouched : new Date() }; } results[rowKey].adIds.push(row.Id); } for(var i in results) { results[i].adIds.sort(); } info('Finished building the current Ad map.'); return results; } //Helper function to format the date function getDateString(date,format) { return Utilities.formatDate(new Date(date),AdWordsApp.currentAccount().getTimeZone(),format); } // Function to build out the urls for deeplinking into the AdWords account. // For this to work, you need to have __c and __u filled in. // Taken from: function getUrl(entity,tab) { var customerId = __c; var effectiveUserId = __u; var decodedTab = getTab(tab); var base = ''; var url = base+'__c='+customerId+'&__u='+effectiveUserId+'#'; if(typeof entity['getEntityType'] === 'undefined') { return url+'r.ONLINE.di&app=cm'; } var type = entity.getEntityType() if(type === 'Campaign') { return url+'c.'+entity.getId()+'.'+decodedTab+'&app=cm'; } if(type === 'AdGroup') { return url+'a.'+entity.getId()+'_'+entity.getCampaign().getId()+'.'+decodedTab+'&app=cm'; } if(type === 'Keyword') { return url+'a.'+entity.getAdGroup().getId()+'_'+entity.getCampaign().getId()+'.key&app=cm'; } if(type === 'Ad') { return url+'a.'+entity.getAdGroup().getId()+'_'+entity.getCampaign().getId()+'.create&app=cm'; } return url+'r.ONLINE.di&app=cm'; function getTab(tab) { var mapping = { 'Ad groups':'ag','Settings:All settings':'st_sum', 'Settings:Locations':'st_loc','Settings:Ad schedule':'st_as', 'Settings:Devices':'st_p','Ads':'create', 'Keywords':'key','Audiences':'au','Ad extensions':'ae', 'Auto targets':'at','Dimensions' : 'di' }; if(mapping[tab]) { return mapping[tab]; } return 'key'; //default to keyword tab } } // Helper function to print info logs function info(msg) { if(EXTRA_LOGS) { Logger.log('INFO: '+msg); } } // Helper function to print more serious warnings function warn(msg) { Logger.log('WARNING: '+msg); } /******************************** * Track Script Runs in Google Analytics * Created By: Russ Savage * ********************************/ function beacon() { var TAG_ID = 'UA-40187672-2'; var CAMPAIGN_SOURCE = 'adwords'; var CAMPAIGN_MEDIUM = 'scripts'; var CAMPAIGN_NAME = 'AdTestingScriptV2_1'; var HOSTNAME = ''; var PAGE = '/Ad_Testing_Script_v2_1'; if(AdWordsApp.getExecutionInfo().isPreview()) { PAGE += '/preview'; } var DOMAIN_LINK = 'http://'+HOSTNAME+PAGE; //Pulled from: var uuid = 'xxxxxxxx-xxxx-4xxx-yxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx'.replace(/[xy]/g, function(c) {var r = Math.random()*16|0,v=c=='x'?r:r&0x3|0x8;return v.toString(16);}); var url = ''; var payload = { 'v':1,'tid':TAG_ID,'cid':uuid, 't':'pageview','cs':CAMPAIGN_SOURCE,'cm':CAMPAIGN_MEDIUM,'cn':CAMPAIGN_NAME, 'dl':DOMAIN_LINK }; var qs = ''; for(var key in payload) { qs += key + '=' + encodeURIComponent(payload[key]) + '&'; } url += qs.substring(0,qs.length-1); UrlFetchApp.fetch(url); } /********************************************* * Test: A class for runnning A/B Tests for Ads * Version 1.0 * Based on VisualWebsiteOptimizer logic: * Russ Savage * **********************************************/ // A description of the parameters: // control - the control Ad, test - the test Ad // startDate, endDate - the start and end dates for the test // visitorMetric, conversionMetric - the components of the metric to use for the test function Test(control,test,desiredConf,startDate,endDate,visitorMetric,conversionMetric) { this.desiredConfidence = desiredConf/100; this.verMetric = visitorMetric; this.conMetric = conversionMetric; this.startDate = startDate; this.endDate = endDate; this.winner; this.controlAd = control; this.controlStats = (this.controlAd['stats']) ? this.controlAd['stats'] : this.controlAd.getStatsFor(this.startDate, this.endDate); this.controlAd['stats'] = this.controlStats; this.controlVisitors = this.controlStats['get'+this.verMetric](); this.controlConversions = this.controlStats['get'+this.conMetric](); this.controlCR = getConversionRate(this.controlVisitors,this.controlConversions); this.testAd = test; this.testStats = (this.testAd['stats']) ? this.testAd['stats'] : this.testAd.getStatsFor(this.startDate, this.endDate); this.testAd['stats'] = this.testStats; this.testVisitors = this.testStats['get'+this.verMetric](); this.testConversions = this.testStats['get'+this.conMetric](); this.testCR = getConversionRate(this.testVisitors,this.testConversions); this.pValue; this.getControlVisitors = function() { return this.controlVisitors; } this.getControlConversions = function() { return this.controlConversions; } this.getTestVisitors = function() { return this.testVisitors; } this.getTestConversions = function() { return this.testConversions; } // Returns the P-Value for the two Ads this.getPValue = function() { if(!this.pValue) { this.pValue = calculatePValue(this); } return this.pValue; }; // Determines if the test has hit significance this.isSignificant = function() { var pValue = this.getPValue(); if(pValue && pValue !== 'N/A' && (pValue >= this.desiredConfidence || pValue <= (1 - this.desiredConfidence))) { return true; } return false; } // Returns the winning Ad this.getWinner = function() { if(this.decideWinner() === 'control') { return this.controlAd; } if(this.decideWinner() === 'challenger') { return this.testAd; } return null; }; // Returns the losing Ad this.getLoser = function() { if(this.decideWinner() === 'control') { return this.testAd; } if(this.decideWinner() === 'challenger') { return this.controlAd; } return null; }; // Determines if the control or the challenger won this.decideWinner = function () { if(this.winner) { return this.winner; } if(this.isSignificant()) { if(this.controlCR >= this.testCR) { this.winner = 'control'; } else { this.winner = 'challenger'; } } else { this.winner = 'no winner'; } return this.winner; } // This function returns the confidence level for the test function calculatePValue(instance) { var control = { visitors: instance.controlVisitors, conversions: instance.controlConversions, cr: instance.controlCR }; var challenger = { visitors: instance.testVisitors, conversions: instance.testConversions, cr: instance.testCR }; var z = getZScore(control,challenger); if(z == -1) { return 'N/A'; } var norm = normSDist(z); return norm; } // A helper function to make rounding a little easier function round(value) { var decimals = Math.pow(10,5); return Math.round(value*decimals)/decimals; } // Return the conversion rate for the test function getConversionRate(visitors,conversions) { if(visitors == 0) { return -1; } return conversions/visitors; } function getStandardError(cr,visitors) { if(visitors == 0) { throw 'Visitors cannot be 0.'; } return Math.sqrt((cr*(1-cr)/visitors)); } function getZScore(c,t) { try { if(!c['se']) { c['se'] = getStandardError(,c.visitors); } if(!t['se']) { t['se'] = getStandardError(,t.visitors); } } catch(e) { Logger.log(e); return -1; } if((Math.sqrt(Math.pow(,2)+Math.pow(,2))) == 0) { Logger.log('WARNING: Somehow the denominator in the Z-Score calulator was 0.'); return -1; } return ((,2)+Math.pow(,2))); } //From: function normSDist(z) { var sign = 1.0; if (z < 0) { sign = -1; } return round(0.5 * (1.0 + sign * erf(Math.abs(z)/Math.sqrt(2)))); } // From: function erf(x) { // constants var a1 = 0.254829592; var a2 = -0.284496736; var a3 = 1.421413741; var a4 = -1.453152027; var a5 = 1.061405429; var p = 0.3275911; // Save the sign of x var sign = 1; if (x < 0) { sign = -1; } x = Math.abs(x); // A&S formula 7.1.26 var t = 1.0/(1.0 + p*x); var y = 1.0 - (((((a5*t + a4)*t) + a3)*t + a2)*t + a1)*t*Math.exp(-x*x); return sign*y; } } /********************************************* * HTMLTable: A class for building HTML Tables * Version 1.0 * Russ Savage * **********************************************/ function HTMLTable() { this.headers = []; this.columnStyle = {}; this.body = []; this.currentRow = 0; this.tableStyle; this.headerStyle; this.cellStyle; this.addHeaderColumn = function(text) { this.headers.push(text); }; this.addCell = function(text,style) { if(!this.body[this.currentRow]) { this.body[this.currentRow] = []; } this.body[this.currentRow].push({ val:text, style:(style) ? style : '' }); }; this.newRow = function() { if(this.body != []) { this.currentRow++; } }; this.getRowCount = function() { return this.currentRow; }; this.setTableStyle = function(css) { this.tableStyle = css; }; this.setHeaderStyle = function(css) { this.headerStyle = css; }; this.setCellStyle = function(css) { this.cellStyle = css; if(css[css.length-1] !== ';') { this.cellStyle += ';'; } }; this.toString = function() { var retVal = '<table '; if(this.tableStyle) { retVal += 'style="'+this.tableStyle+'"'; } retVal += '>'+_getTableHead(this)+_getTableBody(this)+'</table>'; return retVal; }; function _getTableHead(instance) { var headerRow = ''; for(var i in instance.headers) { headerRow += _th(instance,instance.headers[i]); } return '<thead><tr>'+headerRow+'</tr></thead>'; }; function _getTableBody(instance) { var retVal = '<tbody>'; for(var r in instance.body) { var rowHtml = '<tr>'; for(var c in instance.body[r]) { rowHtml += _td(instance,instance.body[r][c]); } rowHtml += '</tr>'; retVal += rowHtml; } retVal += '</tbody>'; return retVal; }; function _th(instance,val) { var retVal = '<th scope="col" '; if(instance.headerStyle) { retVal += 'style="'+instance.headerStyle+'"'; } retVal += '>'+val+'</th>'; return retVal; }; function _td(instance,cell) { var retVal = '<td '; if(instance.cellStyle || { retVal += 'style="'; if(instance.cellStyle) { retVal += instance.cellStyle; } if( { retVal +=; } retVal += '"'; } retVal += '>'+cell.val+'</td>'; return retVal; }; }